Mentor Project Submission Submissions are open until Mar 1, 2025


Mentor/supervisor training completed?

Project Involves

Performance Site(s) Limited to 160 characters (about 2-lines), anything more will be clipped.

Will research be conducted at our partner hospitals? Check all that apply.


This entry will be supplied by the HSC Research Office

Previous Students

Medical students who have done summer research with you in the past.

Direct Contact

How much direct contact do you expect to have with the student in hours/week?
Limited to 160 characters (about 2-lines), anything more will be clipped.


Who will provide the direct daily supervision of the student and indicate, and what is their position and background (faculty, postdoc, lab tech, nurse practitioner, clinical fellow, etc.)?
Limited to 160 characters (about 2-lines), anything more will be clipped.

Prospective Students

If you have identified one or more prospective SRSP students you would like to have work on this research project this coming summer, please provide the student's name(s).

Expected Activity Breakdown

Indicate the percentage time that student can expect to spend on the following types of activities, total must come to 100%.


Clinical study with patient contact – See Human Subjects requirement approval above


Live or in vivo animal studies – See IACUC approval requirement above


Laboratory bench studies, in vitro experiments, etc…


Chart review, interview or survey reviews


Computer modeling, data analysis, spreadsheets, etc…


Library work




Total – Must be 100%

Project Description

Limited to 8000 Characters (about 2-pages), anything more will be clipped.

What will the student be doing?

Please be as specific as possible to assist the students in understanding how they will be involved in the research project
Limited to 2000 Characters (about 1/2 a pages), anything more will be clipped.


You may provide several references that will help prospective students better understand your proposed project
Limited to 960 Characters (about 12 lines), anything more will be clipped.

Project Certification

With the submission of this project, I certify that: